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2 min read
Week 9 Update: Midterm Assessment, 17th January 2022

Week 9 Lessons:

Word Bank: Number 8

Everybody Up: Unit 6: Lesson 4: The Pyramids: pages 58-59

Everybody Up: Check Up 3: pages 61-62


  • Was and Were: page 31
  • The Past progressive Tense: pages 32-34

Midterm Listening Test Coverage (Friday, January 21st):

Everybody Up: Unit 5: Busy Students: pages 44-51

Everybody Up: Unit 6: Making Things: pages 52-59

Midterm Assessment Demarcation:

Midterm Assessment Reviewers:

Power Point (Click the LINK and DOWNLOAD):

Everybody Uphttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AajqVSpe1CZYlV4Vi98lho5MyyQ-C7fJT8qWw05At7Y/edit?usp=sharing


Kahoot Everybody Up: https://www.p5tpkajonkiet.com/online-lesson-integration/kahoot-everybody-up

Kahoot Grammar: https://www.p5tpkajonkiet.com/online-lesson-integration/kahoot-grammar

Term 2, Q2 Completion Report:

If your child hasn't completed his/her book assignment from week 5 to week 8, please tell them to do them within this week. I need to make their Q2 grades this week. If they need help, please let me know. I am more than happy to lend them a hand.

If they are finished and their work still not marked as "ok", please ignore it. I have them on my list and will be updated within the week. 

