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12 min read
Week 5: Friday, 10th June 2022

Both classes did their Week 5 Assessment. P5/2 did their assessment in Smart Classroom. After ding the assessment, they played Kahoot to assess themselves on the knowledge they've gained within the week. They did Everybody Up and Grammar Kahoot.  P5/1 did their assessment in the classroom, as they prefer to play 'Typhoon' after the test. Typhoon is a team game where group members can collaborate on the questions. They like this game more than Kahoot, as everybody could win prizes win or lose (very CLEVER, ahahhahaha).  

In the afternoon, P5/2 answered their Everybody Up Workbook.  They reviewed first the lessons in their student book. We checked the answers together after they answered.

Week 5 Assessment

-Word Bank #5

-Everybody Up: Lesson 1: In the Woods

-Grammar: Plural Nouns



10 minutes before we finish our Extra English, we headed to the 2nd floor dining area to eat their most requested NUTELLA. Of course, we followed the school and government protocol. They were never allowed to take off their masks unless they were seated in the cubicle. 

Everybody loved NUTELLA, and they want to do it often. ahahahahha. Happy Tummy is a Happy Student. ahahhaahaah..

T H A N K   Y O U     for the birthday presents!