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12 min read
Week 18, Monday, 5th September 2022

     Both classes did studied and practiced their Word Bank #16. P5/1 was led by Aungpao, and P5/2 was led by Nita. After the Word Bank, they continued their Grammar lesson —Prepositions. We reviewed the lesson and answered the book exercises after. 

     In P5/2's 2nd English period, they learned their new lesson in Everybody Up, Unit 8: Lesson 4—Biomes. They watched a video about the lesson and practiced the words. It was led by Nammon. Then we talked about the different biomes of the Earth and some of their facts. They also related their Q4 projects as we went along with our discussion.

Word Bank #16

Word Bank #16 practice with Sand (P5/1)

Word Bank #16 practice with Nita (P5/2)

Everybody Up: Unit 4: Lesson 4: Biomes

EU Words practice with Nammon (P5/2)




Extra English

     Extra English students learned and practiced the spelling and pronunciation of their Word Bank #16 on memrize.