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Q3 Best Project: Wonders of the World

     Students made different models of the ancient and modern wonders of the world and they will be in Kajonkiet Pattana STEAM Exhibit on the 14th of February 2024.

     P5.1 did the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World and P5/2 did the New 7 Wonders of the World. They also researched some facts about them then presented them to their classmates to impart the knowledge the they have acquired.  

Best Project Winners:

P5/1: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

- Leeya

- Namfon

- Angpow

P5/2: Chichen Itza

- Muay

- Prikkwan

- Rpro

- Pram

Best Presenters:


- Aswin

- Apple


- Captain

- Palmmy

Other Projects:


Hanging Gardens of Babylon

     Despite being named one of the Seven Ancient Wonders, there is not much firsthand evidence that the gardens actually existed. Those who claimed to have witnessed the gardens, including Greek historians Strabo and Diodorus Siculus, described them as marvels of agricultural engineering. An amazing array of blooming flowers, luscious fruit, exotic foliage, and impressive waterfalls were said to have filled them. The hanging gardens were believed to have been built around 600 B.C.E., by Nebuchadnezzar II, who ruled Babylonia from 605–562 B.C.E.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

     The Great Pyramid, the only Wonder that still exists, stood as the world’s tallest human-made structure for nearly 4,000 years. Erected around 2560 B.C.E. on the west bank of the Nile River, the Great Pyramid served as the tomb of the fourth-century pharaoh Khufu (Cheops). It is the largest of the three Pyramids at Giza.

     The proportions of the Pyramid are colossal—even for the modern era. The original height from the base to the peak was around 147 meters (482 feet)—though time has worn away the height to around 138 meters (451 feet). The length of each side at the base averages around 230 meters (756 feet). Over its 20-year construction period, around 2.3 million stone blocks were crafted to create this 5.22-million-metric-ton (5.75-million-ton) monolith.

Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria

This ancient lighthouse, considered a technical masterpiece that served as the model for all lighthouses that followed, was constructed on Pharos, an island in the harbor of Alexandria in Egypt, known as Kemet by its ancient citizens. It was completed between 285 and 247 B.C.E.

     Standing over 107 meters (350 feet) tall and conceived as a navigational landmark for voyagers along the Egyptian coast, the lighthouse was constructed in three distinct stages: a square stone base; an octagonal middle section; and a cylindrical section at the top. At the apex, a mirror was erected to reflect sunlight during the day. At night, a fire was lit to guide travelers.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was severely damaged by earthquakes in 965 C.E., 1303 C.E., and 1323 C.E. It was completely gone by 1480 C.E. Today, visitors to the site where the lighthouse stood encounter the Egyptian fort Qaitbay, which was built using some of the stones from the lighthouse ruins.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

     Among the most impressive structures to house the deceased was the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The mausoleum was designed between 353 and 350 B.C.E. by the Greek architects Satyrus and Pythis. It was created for Maussollos, a governor in the Persian Empire, and his wife and sister Artemisia II of Caria, who initiated its construction upon her husband’s death.

     The mausoleum stood approximately 41 meters (135 feet) high and was adorned with intricate exterior carvings and precious works of art. Despite standing for centuries and even surviving a raid by Alexander of Macedonia, a series of earthquakes finally rocked it to its core. All that remains are a few scattered pieces of its foundation.

Statue of Zeus

    It took the most renowned sculptor of the ancient era, Phidias, to create a statue worthy of celebrating the fabled god Zeus. Housed in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia in western Greece, the statue showed Zeus seated on a throne crusted in gold, precious gems, ivory, and ebony. Zeus held a statue of Nike, the goddess of victory, in his right hand. A scepter topped with an eagle was held in his left hand.

     Many of those who gazed upon the 12-meter (40-foot) statue commented that the proportions of Zeus inside the temple were off. Regardless, the statue was revered by most as a stunning earthly representation of the great god that filled passersby with awe—until it was destroyed in an earthquake in the fifth century B.C.E.

Temple of Artemis

In Ephesus (an ancient city in what is now western Turkey), a temple was constructed that was reportedly so magnificent it caused Philo of Byzantium to say:

     “I have seen the walls and Hanging Gardens of ancient Babylon, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the mighty work of the high Pyramids and the tomb of Mausolus. But when I saw the temple at Ephesus rising to the clouds, all these other wonders were put in the shade.”

     The temple, originally constructed to celebrate Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, became a revered place of worship. It went through several phases of destruction and rebuilding. The most famous iteration, completed in 550 B.C.E., was about 115 meters (377 feet) long, 55 meters (200 feet) wide, included 127 Ionic-styled columns, and was decorated with fine sculptures and paintings.

     Its final destruction was initiated by Herostratus, who sought fame by destroying the beautiful creation. Its ruin by Herostratus and the ravages of time have obliterated all but a few remains of the grand temple.

Colossus of Rhodes

Visitors to ancient Rhodes, an island in the eastern Aegean Sea, were greeted by a statue of the Greek god Helios. Erected between 292 and 280 B.C.E. by the sculptor Chares of Lindos, and standing at about 33 meters (105-110 feet), the statue was a victory monument designed to honor the defeat of the invading army of Demetrius in 304 B.C.E.

     After standing for only 56 years, an earthquake destroyed the statue in 224 B.C.E. Despite snapping at the knees and falling onto the island, the ruins remained a popular attraction for more than 800 years.


Machu Picchu

     This old Inca citadel located in Peru is surrounded by mystery. Constructed in the mid-1400s, Machu Picchu went undiscovered by Europeans until 1911. Even the Spanish conquistadors who decimated the Inca Empire never came close to finding it.

     The construction of Machu Picchu is a mind-blowing feat in itself. It was built with granite rocks, some weighing over 55 tons (49.9 tonnes).

     The stones were either pushed up the mountain by pure manpower or chiseled directly from the side of the mountain.

     When it was completed, Machu Picchu was estimated to have had a population of around 300 to 1,000 inhabitants. Unfortunately, the Incas didn’t keep documented records, which leaves the true purpose of Machu Picchu a lost secret.

     It was only occupied for 100 years before being abandoned, which is also a mystery. However, it is believed that it was left behind due to an outbreak of smallpox. 

     If you ever visit this Inca wonder, you’ll find that it is made up of over 150 buildings. And to stop the structures from falling down the mountain, the Incans built over 600 terraces!

The Taj Mahal Mausoleum

     As the world’s most famous mausoleum, the Taj Mahal is India’s most popular attraction. This marble monument was commissioned in 1632 by the emperor at the time as a tomb for his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

     The construction took just over 20 years to complete and cost around US$827 million. It also took about 20,000 artisans, as well as a thousand elephants to help with the transport of heavy materials.

     The Taj Mahal wasn’t just ornate, but cleverly built, too. For example, it was designed so that everything would fall away from the tomb in the event of a collapse.

     Even though this elaborate crypt was built for the emperor’s beloved wife, her actual grave is the only thing that is not decorated. This is because of Muslim law, which states that graves cannot be adorned as it is seen as a vain act.

     Today, structural integrity is a concern. Some extreme assessments thought that the Taj Mahal would collapse by 2016. Of course, we know that it surpassed that date, but the decay is ever impending.

     To protect its aesthetic, cars and buses are not allowed to come within 1,640 feet (500 meters) of the Taj Mahal to prevent gasoline exhaust from tarnishing the exterior.

Christ The Redeemer

     The most recently built Wonder is the statue of Christ in Brazil which only took five years to build, with completion in 1931.Inspiration for the statue was drawn from fear among Catholics who were worried that the nation was increasing in “godlessness.”

     A local engineer designed the statue, with a few revisions along the way. Originally, it was a sketch of Christ carrying a cross in one hand and a globe in the other.

     Of course, the design changed, and the finalized drawing is the statue you see today with open arms – a symbol of peace.

     After finalizing the design, the engineer went to France, where he found a sculptor to create the piece. Starting in France, the statue ended up being 98 feet (29.9 meters) tall and made up of clay pieces which were then shipped to Brazil to be remade with reinforced concrete.

     Concrete was one of the few things strong enough to support a sculpture of such size, but it had to be adorned with something in order to look nicer.

     So, it was covered with around six million stone tiles! The workers who made the tiles would often write on the back – so this statue is covered with secret messages.

     Christ the Redeemer has required many restorations over the years due to wind, rain, and lightning, with a major restoration completed in 2010.

The Great Wall of China

     This one is a no-brainer – The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure ever built, and that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon, if ever!At about 13,200 miles (21,200 km) long, this impressive wall took over 200 years to build.

     It was mainly erected to protect China from attacks from northern tribes, such as the Mongolians. Most of the original wall doesn’t exist because it is constantly being restored and rebuilt due to its age.

     Between natural erosion and tourism, it is in a state of rapid decline. Because of its huge size, it’s nearly impossible to maintain the entire wall.Even though efforts are being made to preserve it, there’s no saying how long this impressive structure will stay standing. One thing is for sure; it will remain an important part of history forever. 

Chichen Itza

     This primitive Mayan city is located on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. While it is a popular tourist attraction, it is still an active archeological site with new discoveries being made from time to time.

     It is estimated that Chichen Itza was built between the 9th and 12th centuries, with the area previously used as an observatory to survey astronomical events.

     When it was an active city, it had the most diverse Mayan population, with around 50,000 inhabitants covering five square kilometers.

     Many residents were skilled sculptors, weavers, jewelers, and potters, so it’s no wonder new historical relics are still being unearthed here!

     Most of the sites of Chichen Itza are known for their strange sounds. For example, clapping your hands in front of the pyramid’s staircase will result in an echo that sounds like a chirp of a Mayan serpent deity.

     Additionally, clapping at one end of the Ball Court will create nine distinct echoes in the center of the court.


     Believe it or not, that impressive ancient city that you saw in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a real place! Petra, located in Jordan, is a massive city built into sandstone that was once home to around 10,000 people. 

     Ancient citizens of Petra were incredibly skilled in harvesting rainwater, agriculture, and stone carving. The latter is represented by the 800 buildings, tombs, baths, funerary halls, temples, arched gateways, and streets within Petra that were mainly carved from stone.

     One thing that has severely damaged the architecture of Petra is the rain.

     Even though it hardly ever rains in the desert, when it does rain, it comes down quite violently. Still, Petra has been able to withstand these storms for centuries.No one knows when this city was built, but it is estimated that it was possibly as early as the fifth century.

The Colosseum Amphitheater

     Located in the heart of ancient Rome, the Colosseum is one of Italy’s most visited tourist attractions. Dating back to around 80 A.D., this structure remains the largest amphitheater in the world.

     Admittedly, the history of the Colosseum is a brutal one. Impressive as it is, it was built by tens of thousands of slaves with stone and concrete.

     Once completed, it could seat about 50,000 spectators who watched the events inside – usually gladiatorial combat, animal hunts, and even naval battles.

     Many of the events at this amphitheater were free, with the costs covered by the emperor in order to gain support and popularity from the citizens.

     What many people don’t know is that there were several underground rooms and passages below where both animals and gladiators were held before events.

     Sadly, over time, around two-thirds of the Colosseum has been destroyed due to vandalism, earthquakes, and fires. Even so, the remaining structures are still jaw-dropping and worth a visit!