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11 min read
Week 2: Tuesday,  17th May 2022

P5/1 class started their day with the introduction of their Word bank #2. We talked about the words and translated them for them to fully understand the meaning of the words. Then, they practiced saying all the words. the practice was led by Cheetah. 

After the Word bank, we moved on to our new topic in Everybody Up, Unit 1: Lesson 2: feelings. I started the lessons by asking them the different feeling that they knew. They gave different feelings and the situations how they felt that way. Then, We talked about the new words —FEELINGS— in their book. They listened to the words  and practiced them. The practice was led by Nada. Next, they listened to the new target language and grammar focus. They have learned that the second sentence after the word 'but' means the opposite of the first sentence. They practiced the target language  among their friends. I had fun watching them doing this kind of thing. It was new to them, but so far, they are slowly getting use to it. They are starting to develop their confidence.

In the afternoon, We continued with the rest of the book. I introduced the target conversation. They practiced them among themselves. The last part was listening. They listened to the audio conversation and answered their book.

P5/2 also started their class with the introduction of the new words in their Word Bank #2. We talked about the words, translated them and practiced. The practice was led by Chevy. 

Then, we moved on to their new lesson in their Everybody Up —Unit 1: Lesson 2: Feelings— book. We talked about the new topic which was about 'feelings'. They gave examples of the feeling that they knew. Then, I gave them different situations and they told me how they felt on those situations. Next, I let them listened to the new words on the book, then they practiced them. The practice was led by Phu. Phu got a lot of confidence when I called him o lead the practiced. I saw the happiness on his face and I knew that he was prepared. 

After learning and practicing the new words, I let them listen to the next part of the book which were the target language and grammar  focus. I told them how to use the word 'but' and how it was use in the target language. Having but in the sentences gives opposite meaning to the sentences. After listening to the audio, we practiced them, then I let them practice among their classmates. Students focus more in the discussions because they knew that after the discussions, their classmate might call them in the practice.

Word Bank #2:

Word Bank Practice with Cheetah (P5/1):

Word Bank Practice with Chevy (P5/2):

Everybody Up: Unit 1: Lesson 2 Words:

Everybody Up Words Practice with Nada (P5/1):

Everybody Up Words Practice with Phu (P5/2):

Everybody Up Target Language and Grammar Focus:

Everybody Up Target Language practice with Japan, Cheetah and Krit (P5/1):

Everybody Up Target Conversation:


